Thursday, February 24, 2011

Picture On the Dashboard.

So, first I would like to apologize for this being my first post in almost a year and a half (not cool). I don't think anyone really reads this anyways, but I'm hoping to try and keep up with this every once in-awhile.
Life is flying by and I only have two more years at Mizzou. It's scary to think about being shoved into the real world, I'm most definitely not ready for that. I'm having the time of my life, and
loving every minute of it. I rushed Sigma Alpha this year, and it was probably the best decision I've made since I've been here at Mizzou. I've met amazing girls that I know I will be friends with forever, and I'm learning so much about what my purpose is here.
I'm an Agricultural Business major at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and agriculture is my passion. I've always loved agriculture, but coming from a very agriculturally-based community, I never realized how many people are uneducated and totally uninformed about our industry. Through Sigma Alpha, a professional, agriculture sorority, I have learned that it is so important to educate and inform people on why ag is so important to our world. We had a speaker this past weekend come talk to us about ways we can properly inform the public and do our part for this industry. It was awesome to see all of the simple ways there are to get our message across.
I'm not going to talk about any issues in this post, but I'm just so excited to learn more and more everyday about what I love. I don't think I will be ready for any debates anytime soon, but I hope if the time ever comes, I'll be able to firmly stand my ground and support agriculture.
Moral of the Story?
Stand strong for what you believe in. Always do what you can to educate yourself, before trying to educate someone else. The speaker we had last Saturday left us with a single quote:
"If not us, who? If not now, when?" -John F. Kennedy

This is about all I have for tonight, hopefully I'll be back soon :)

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