Monday, May 7, 2012

April Showers Bring May Flowers!

Well, April was one crazy month for my friends and I! We made some amazing memories, had more than a few late nights, and spent wayyyy more than our college budgets would allow. But I can honestly say all of the stress and the mornings that came too early were more than worth it and I will cherish those memories forever! So, on a less sappy note :) as I mentioned in my last post FOUR of my best friends turned 21 in April and I made a booze bouquet for all of them! (I will post those pictures below) They are soooo fun and easy to make! I think we've started a new tradition around here! Along with the booze bouquet, I made a Shot Book, a decorated JUMBO wine glass, and a water jug to keep one of the birthday girls hydrated! haha!

Since my last post, a lot of exciting things have happened. I was blessed with an awesome opportunity that I could NOT be more thrilled about, I finally got to see one of my FAVORITE bands in concert for the first time (The Casey Donahew Band, check 'em out!), I got to watch one of my best friends marry the love of her life (Congrats Justin & Bibby!), and, as of today, I am officially a SENIOR at Mizzou! I can't even believe I only have one more year here in Columbia. I'm going to miss it SO much! To honor our last year at Mizzou and make sure we do everything that a Mizzou student should do, my best friend and I have decided to make a "Senior Year Bucket List". Riding the Tiger, Kissing the 50 Yard Line at Faurot Field, and Carving our names in the wall at The Shack are just a few of the things on our list! :) I can't wait to share all of those stories!
So since finals are this week, my roommate and I were interested in everything BUT studying. We set our sites on Pinterest and found a few ways to procrastinate that I want to share with everyone today! Bored college girls + Finals Week + Pinterest = ????? Can you guess it?

Yep! Baking!!!! :)

We searched and searched for the perfect recipes and we finally decided on Peanut Butter & Chocolate Cupcakes (aka: Reese's Cupcakes) and Cake Batter Rice Krispies! Oh my gosh were they delicious! Unfortunately I didn't get to indulge too much other than a taste of these because I've recently come down with a touch of Tonsillitis.. No fun! But from what I did get to taste, they were to die for! Below are the links of the sites I got the recipes from and here is are pictures of how ours turned out!

Another project I've started is "bedazzling"! So far I've bedazzled about five cups, and my phone case! It's time consuming, but sooooooo cute when it's done!

That's about all I have for this week! Hope everyone survives finals and enjoys their summer!

Until next time,
Bailey Sue

Here are the links to the recipes!
Cake Batter Rice Krispies:
Peanut-Butter & Chocolate Cupcakes:

Monday, April 9, 2012

Change of Scenery

I don't know about everyone else, but Pinterest seems to be the best thing since sliced bread! I've been having so much fun trying all of these new ideas that have been flooding my computer screen!! So from now on, I will be posting all of the projects that I have tried on this blog. I can't wait to share all of my stories and pictures of all of these new craft ideas that I have stumbled upon.
My most recent project was inspired by a month full of 21st Birthday's. Four of my close friends are turning 21 this April, and I've been on the hunt for a very original gift for them. I came upon this picture of a "Booze Bouquet" on Pinterest and just loved it! Basically, all it consists of is as many Mini bottles of liquor you would like placed into a bouquet! You can make it as fun or as simple as you would like. I used 10 bottles in my bouquet and just hot glued the bottles to leftover cake pop sticks I had! (Don't worry, the hot glue won't melt the plastic bottles!) After I put the bottles into the foam, I just added some feathers and sparkle! Just have fun with it ;)

So, without further adieu, here is my version of the Booze Bouquet!

I still have 3 more of these to make in the next 2 weeks! Hope this gave anyone reading a new idea for a 21st Birthday Gift!

Until next time,

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Picture On the Dashboard.

So, first I would like to apologize for this being my first post in almost a year and a half (not cool). I don't think anyone really reads this anyways, but I'm hoping to try and keep up with this every once in-awhile.
Life is flying by and I only have two more years at Mizzou. It's scary to think about being shoved into the real world, I'm most definitely not ready for that. I'm having the time of my life, and
loving every minute of it. I rushed Sigma Alpha this year, and it was probably the best decision I've made since I've been here at Mizzou. I've met amazing girls that I know I will be friends with forever, and I'm learning so much about what my purpose is here.
I'm an Agricultural Business major at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and agriculture is my passion. I've always loved agriculture, but coming from a very agriculturally-based community, I never realized how many people are uneducated and totally uninformed about our industry. Through Sigma Alpha, a professional, agriculture sorority, I have learned that it is so important to educate and inform people on why ag is so important to our world. We had a speaker this past weekend come talk to us about ways we can properly inform the public and do our part for this industry. It was awesome to see all of the simple ways there are to get our message across.
I'm not going to talk about any issues in this post, but I'm just so excited to learn more and more everyday about what I love. I don't think I will be ready for any debates anytime soon, but I hope if the time ever comes, I'll be able to firmly stand my ground and support agriculture.
Moral of the Story?
Stand strong for what you believe in. Always do what you can to educate yourself, before trying to educate someone else. The speaker we had last Saturday left us with a single quote:
"If not us, who? If not now, when?" -John F. Kennedy

This is about all I have for tonight, hopefully I'll be back soon :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How I've Become Who I am Today.

One of the best ways to express yourself and who you are as an individual is to show it through your style. People are influenced by many things such as the music they listen to, where they are from, or ideas that they believe in. Being from a small town, many people will stereotype and peg you as a 'hick' or a 'redneck', but that is sometimes not the case. As much as I love my roots and love wearing my flannel shirts and cowgirl boots, I feel that I have a couple other sides to me as well.
I was raised by two very eclectic, young ladies. And no, I don't have two moms, and no my parents were not hippies. In my family, I've always been the baby, as well as the only child. My parents had very strong work ethics, so I had a babysitter from the age of 6 weeks until I was able to stay by myself. My first babysitters were Tabitha and Jill Madison. They were the closest thing I've ever had to sisters and have always been a HUGE part of my life. Jill is one of the most spiritual people I know. She is the one I call when I need to talk and I can tell her anything and everything. She has inspired me in so many ways. I can't even begin to describe it. Tabitha was a unique individual who 'marched to the beat of her very own drum'. She loved California, she loved the idea of glitz and glam, and she always dreamed of being rich and famous and living on the beach. She was crazy and wild and a truly awesome person.
A turning point in my life came on May 25th, 2009. Tabitha, at the age of 36, was killed in a vehicle accident. She was the mother of two beautiful children, a loving daughter, and beloved friend. I spent my 18th birthday planning her funeral and mourning the loss of a sister. I spent the next few weeks thinking about how she had changed my life and recalling how a family relative had said to me at her funeral that I had to understand that a huge piece of Tabitha would live on in me forever. Everytime I think about it, I realize how much I act like her and I feel like it's my obligation to her to carry on what she left behind.
This brings me to my second identity that my friends like to call my 'hippie' side. I love the style of natural things, have gone through a 'green' phase, and truly do want "world peace"! I like the eclectic style and dressing like a hippie. When Jill saw my dorm room for the first time, her first reaction, after her infamous happy-screech, was "Bailey, Tabitha would just flip if she saw this!". It always reminds me of her and is a part of me I will always let shine through.
So, therefore, I tend to be a confused person when it comes to my style. I guess there is no reason that I must settle with only one. I like country music, and I like Jack Johnson and The Beatles. I like boots, and I like Jesus sandals. It's just more to love, right?!

In Loving Memory of Tabitha Jo Madison-Triplett
August 24, 1972- May 25, 2009


Monday, October 26, 2009

the wonderful world of blogging.

My best friend was recently asked to follow a blog for a week then write an analysis over the person they had followed for her journalism class. While helping her try and find the most interesting one, I realized that I truly liked the idea of blogging and found it very interesting. So, for now, I'm learning the ropes and giving this new trend a go!